Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I love the diversity, osh kosh of course salad. DIVINE ... Polpetki, respectively. candelabra in my

I Ribs well salted, little poprala, a little scattered with rosemary, osh kosh sliced them, I also garlic and red onion. Instead osh kosh of oil, I put up a little lard and poured a little water into the pan. Hell I was more than an hour on a good 200 degrees.
In the meantime, I Zobel two potatoes and sliced them into cubes. I salted and add parsley. I then vsipala to the ribs that are baked together. In the meantime, I have a little something stirred the and, if necessary, poured a little water.
One flask I Zobel and naribala. I put it in a colander and desalted that dropped water. I messed osh kosh up your egg mass, and for two eggs, one tbsp of flour, one tablespoons bread crumbs, salt and parsley. It's a little osh kosh rested.
Over time, I grated flask turn green and vsipala to the egg mass. I shuffled. In ponvo I put a tablespoon of oil a heated mass and spread out to have originated Burgers. I turned around and popekla osh kosh from the other side.
I love the diversity, osh kosh of course salad. DIVINE ... Polpetki, respectively. candelabra in my opinion but if it does occur ohne flour courgette omelette and a great idea for a fiino ajnfoh light dinner. Besides spelled toast with some cheese or kljobasic, but I perajt for aja aja:> We combine the tastes divine! Reply Delete
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