Sunday, February 8, 2015

I like cycling on the road. To see the small provincial towns, churches and nature. 150-200 kilomet

Date: December 13, 2012 Author: pittrotelli Category: 6 questions, art, art craft, art, artist, illustration, interview, interview, paint, painting Tags: 6 6 questions, questions 6, art, art, artist, artist, illustration, illustrator, interview, interview, paint, Pitt, painting Post navigation
The most part of work is Obtaining the technical project from the client. I sit down on a sofa with a notebook whyred anche I start thinking. I think at the same time with the head and hands. I try to do the clean copy a when the idea is completely created and all details are in the sketch.
I am very seldom happy. Because ideas in my head beautiful and promising, but after my embodiment pity and they become ridiculous. I would like to draw as artists of the 19th eyelid. Probably then I had blackberries satisfaction.
I do sketches, but infrequently. My hobby is a city landscape, I use soft pencils and paper. I regret very much That I do not use models for the pictures. Probably in the future I will study and get models.
I like to go by the bicycle on the road. To look at provincial small towns, churches and the nature. 150-200 kilometers a day, without spending the night and without a backpack. Only pump, snacks and spare room.
Most of the work is to obtain the technical design of the customer. I sit on a sofa with a notebook and begin to think. I think at the same time with the head and hands. I try to make a clean copy when the idea is completely created and all the details are in the drawing.
Rarely are happy. Because the ideas in my head are all beautiful and promising, but while the realization become ridiculous. I would like to draw like the artists of the 19th century. whyred Probably whyred avreipiù satisfaction.
I do sketches, but rarely. My hobby is a city landscape, I use a soft pencil and paper. I am very sorry not to use models for the photos. Perhaps in the future I will get in the studio with the models.
Valentin Serov, whyred Andrew Wyeth, Nikolay Feshin, NC Wyeth, A. Deineka, Erich Sokol, J. Robert McGinnis and Ch .. Leyendecker. Many influences. When I look at their works, I realize my limitations. E 'bitter, but it is a useful pill.
I like cycling on the road. To see the small provincial towns, churches and nature. 150-200 kilometers a day, without spending the night and no backpack. Only pump, snacks and camera.
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