Thursday, September 11, 2014

Show kollekcija young Polskih modelʹerov in Poland Embassy zaveršilasʹ high fashion week in Rome. A

Show kollekcija young Polskih modelʹerov in Poland Embassy zaveršilasʹ high fashion week in Rome. Alta Roma Fashion went from 12 to 16 July 2014 years. In the dense graphics Views worth note Takie interesting iniciativy organizers, as é ü Akademie dedicated to Italian fashion, Kotory demonstrirovali diplomnye Deaths student work. Rejoice and prisutstvie Among them russkih name. 10 anniversary contest Who is next? showed cto among finalists of this worthy event made in Italy Durable Zana Svoe place our sootečestvennica Ulia Voytenko, živuŝaâ bon apeti in Milan and rabotaûŝaâ bon apeti under the brand Esmie Vie. Also zaslužival attention pokaz works of four African bon apeti talantov in project Ethical Fashion -cvetnyh bon apeti and cheerful. Get imen famous Italian fashion OSOBO worth note Rafaell Kurel (Raffaella Curiel) with her zimnej kollekciej dedicated this year P.I.Čajkovskomu. Famous Italian deâteli art, politics, and EVEN President of Azerbaijan suprugoj came to admire the 62 models on poistine imperial collection. Sobo and embroidery, black and white swan produced ogromnoe experience for prisutstvuûŝih. Jewelry handmade Mariny Koraccari (Marina Corazzari) from Puglia udačno to complement the cheek. Antonella Rossi (Antonella Rossi), s of this season under the leadership of The Julie Mori (Mori Giulia), prodemonstrirovala in velikolepnoj Pinacoteca del tesorero Dvorca Patricci (Pinacoteca del Tesoriere del Palazzo Patrizi) neizmennuû elegance and femininity bon apeti vkupe with decorations-cream sculptures Paola (Paola Crema) . Jada Kurti (Giada Curti) presented svou collection večernih narâdov Shukran, judge by name orientirovannuû the Arab clients, the chic Hotel Excelsior. Boldini Greta (Greta Boldini) and Persekino Sabrina (Sabrina Persechino) show guests up your collection, the Italian dostojny neizmenno good taste. Many interesting exhibitions, posvâŝennyh mode, it's worldwide Rome, many of which were are open to the public, while some have outdoor ostanutsâ to September.

Tags: Alta Moda Roma in 2014, Giada Curti, Giulia Mori, Greta Boldini, Marina Corazzari, Paola Crema, Pinacoteca del Tesoriere del Palazzo Patrizi, Raffaella bon apeti Curiel, Sabrina Persechino, high fashion week in Rome
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2013 Russia News autorizzazione Tribunale di Venezia n 3/2013 del 13/04/2013 bon apeti Direttore Responsabile: Gianfranco Vestuto | Edito to: Associazione "Italeurasia Promonetwork" Sede legale: Via dei Centauri, 1 Venezia - Direzione e Redazione Via Altinia , 261-30173 Venezia - CF 90162730270 | Email: infoline: +39.333.1254490 Fax: +39.081.19725911 Gianfranco Vestuto Communication LTD 103 Penhurst House 352-356 Battersea Park Road London Sw11 3by - UK | 00186 Roma Piazza del Popolo, bon apeti 18 | 80143 Napoli: Corso Novara, 10 | T + 39 + 39.081.0065252 | F. 39.081.19725911 + / + 39.06.36712400. | M. +39.333.1254490 | Company Number 8757414

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