dzvinkaya Despite string c the fact that summer is over preparing the sledge is still not too late. Now I will tell you that you should definitely order one now. Why now? Because you still have time to get all the winter to NY to matinees and does not pay for the shipping. If you send the parcel by sea, you will pay $ 25 for a weight of 5 kg versus $ 40 words. And it's about $ 3 per kg against dopolnitlny $ 7.5 words. The term of this delivery - 6-8 weeks. 1 Winter shoes. Be sure now, are run with the first frosts and even pozaproshlogodnie model will cost money indecent iveRecentSalesStyle / desc / #! / Womens-boots ~ 1 e? S = price / asc 2. New Year, Christmas, and more Svyatonikolayskie many WTD toys. This will allow you to order rannits give your child overall toys that are in the United States are much cheaper than us and do not pay for shipping. string c The same dollhouse search costs $ 55, and the clock is already $ 145 And then there is the kitchen, the house-tent, interior, thousands of gadgets for kids - toys that level simply do not reach our market. In this case, they are not expensive rl = search-alias% 3Dtoys-and-games & field-k eywords = Kitchen string c Children: / s / ref = sr_kk_1? rh = i% 3 Atoys-and-games% 2Ck% 3Akidkraft + kitchen & k eywords = kidkraft + kitchen & ie = UTF8 & qid = 134 7461466 3 Costumes mornings! Cheaper and more enjoyable to buy in advance in the United States than to try to take us on a rental. Plus now in the United States a huge selection of costumes for Halloween. We have this holiday is not as popular with children, but you can buy a suit for the occasion right after Halloween with a huge discount and wear it on NG mornings. Yes, it was layfhak))) _4? Url = search-alias% 3Daps & field-keywords = c ostumes + for + kids & sprefix = cost% 2Caps% 2C47 5 http: //,5430502,HP_LN_3_H eadline & clink = 5430502 (no commission !!!) http: //www.carters .com / halloween-shop / ca rters-halloween-shop, default, sc.html 4. Note the cookware to the stunning dishes, graters, accessories for the home and kitchen. With many thousands of positive reviews about the absolutely fabulous prices. This, too, is to drive the sea, as it is often a set of dishes weighs a lot. And he can get you to the New Year's table :) rl = search-alias% 3Dgarden & field-keywords = cat alog / category.jsp? id = APARTMENT 5. Gifts relatives. Every time on the eve of NG in my belt hanging a hundred posts, "Oh, where to buy in Kiev ..?" How do I feel sorry for these people. NOWHERE! Or is there something there somewhere, but 5 times more expensive, with a range of 1,000 times poorer. Having started stocking gifts in advance, you firstly, great save. Second, bring people a real joy. In-Toretam get udovolsiviem currently on the process of choice and shopping, will jostle with tolply the same confused string c people in the shops at the last minute. string c _3? url = search-alias% 3Daps & field-keywords = g ifts & sprefix = gif% 2Caps% 2C282 & rh = i% 3Aaps% 2 Ck% 3Agifts (no commission !!! carriage !!!) / saleevents igner-clothing / designer-jewelry / sale-jew string c elry, default, sc.html s-accessories-on-sale ~ 2 6. Dresses little princesses. No comment :) thing- / 3082 / i.html? _nkw = Party + dress & _dca t = 3082 & rt = nc & LH_ItemCondition = 1000 7 Well, of course the outfits for themselves - for parties, corporate events. Carefully consider the way down to the last detail, and not reinvent the wheel in the last minute, and then lamenting string c the corporate photo))) rl = search-alias% 3Dapparel & field-keywords = oliveRecentSalesStyle / desc / http: // www / http : // The list is endless, really :) Write on string c
Eugene, remove from friends or others necessary or holidays))) And so it's still everything always have to buy. But if you do it gradually and in advance, it turns out is not difficult, it's nice quality))) Maybe I am a culture of giving gifts to the masses! ))))))
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