Year: 2011 Country: Brazil Genre: Drama Duration: 1 Season: Professional (Two) Directed by Wolf Maya Starring: Lilia Cabral, Sophie Charlotte, ring sizes Caio Castro, Marcelo Cerrado, Christiane Torlonia Dalton Vig Birolli Adrian, Melvin Salvador , Dir Pais Paulo Rocha
Description of the series: After the death of her husband, a sailor who dies at sea under mysterious obstyatelstvah, Griselda Pereira da Silva has to raise three children alone. Woman opens a car repair shop, where he spent almost all his time. This leads to the fact that over time it gets the nickname "Pereyrao" and slowly "masculinization" ring sizes (acquires habits ring sizes of men), having thrown their appearance and personal life. Changes occur in the life of Griselda, after she wins the lottery and of the poor of the district moved to a luxury apartment of one of the most prestigious areas of Rio. In the same house where settles Griselda lives host of the popular restaurant, Renee, who once sought help from Griselda. Griselda soon realizes ring sizes that adapt to the new way of life is very hard, and refers to Rene asking her to become a teacher of etiquette. Despite the fact that is opposed to his wife Teresa, Renee agrees to work on manners Griselda. And his efforts are not in vain: from "ugly duckling" Griselda transformed into an elegant lady of high society. But at what cost? Losing your true self!
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