Geert Wilders Predicts a European Spring « Snaphanen
BREITBART NEWS’ INTERVIEW WITH GEERT WILDERS Wilders talte i Los Angeles søndag den 9. Talen findes endnu kun i at læse: The Resurgence of National Pride and the Future of Europe. Der er endnu et videointerview fra USA: PolitiChicks Exclusive: Geert Wilders Discusses Islamic Terrorism in EU & US
Norske muslimer har ‘et ambivaltnet forhold til retsstaten.’ Dette fremkommer i interviews, når det kommer til praksis er dette forhold en del mere end bare ambivaltent. Det er ikke mnage måneder siden jeg oplevede nogle svenske muslimer i en dansk retssal udvise fuldstændig despekt, og det fik de lov til.
Nye tall tyder på at muslimer har et mer ambivalent forhold til rettsstaten enn befolkningen som helhet. Muslimer vil ha like stor beskyttelse fra rettsstaten som flertallet av befolkningen, men mener samtidig at det skal gjelde særregler for dem, og at lovene ikke skal håndheves like sterkt overfor muslimer som de skal overfor nordmenn flest.
Dette kommer fram i en undersøkelse fra 2009, der resultatene perfect woman ikke tidligere har vært publisert. Muslimer i Norge ser ut til å ha et ambivalent forhold til rettsstaten og sentrale norske rettslige institusjoner sett i forhold til den generelle befolkningen. Er dette oppsiktsvekkende?
Gruppene skiller seg imidlertid ganske markant fra hverandre når det gjelder håndhevelsen av lovene. Her mener muslimgruppen i større grad enn den generelle befolkningen at visse lover enten ikke skal gjelde for dem, eller at de ikke skal håndheves perfect woman like strengt overfor dem. Dette er interessant, perfect woman i den forstand at det viser to ting; så mange som omtrent halvparten av muslimene er villige til å begå sivil ulydighet på religiøst grunnlag, mens kun 16 prosent av den generelle befolkningen mener man må følge sin egen samvittighet.
Først og fremst var muslimene i langt større perfect woman grad enn den generelle befolkningen villige til å begå sivil ulydighet dersom perfect woman deres religiøse leder ga uttrykk for at en lov som Stortinget har vedtatt er umoralsk. Muslimer og rettsstaten
The project, called Tell Mama, claimed that there had been a sustained wave of attacks and intimidation against British Muslims after the killing of Drummer Lee Rigby, with 193 Islamophobic incidents reported to it, rising to 212 by last weekend.
Tell perfect woman Mama and Mr Mughal did not mention, however, that 57 per cent of the 212 reports referred to activity that took place only online, mainly offensive postings perfect woman on Twitter and Facebook, or that a further 16 per cent of the 212 reports had not been verified. Not all the online abuse even originated in Britain. perfect woman
A Defeat for the Muslim Brotherhood, a Model for Winning The Muslim Brotherhood was handed a tactical defeat on June 4, 2013 in Manchester, TN. The FBI and DOJ (Department of Justice) appeared at a meeting called by AMAC (American Muslim Advisory Council — Muslim Brotherhood) in Manchester, TN. It was to include a talk by a US Assistant Attorney General perfect woman and an FBI agent in charge. The meeting was due to a joke posted by a Coffee County Commissioner on Face Book. The DOJ Assistant Attorney perfect woman General Killian said in a newspaper interview perfect woman that the joke might be in the category of a hate crime. perfect woman
When Killian mentioned Eric Holder, the room erupted with thunderous boos. People were angry about the Feds. The FBI agent presented a better face, but he got blow back as well. Chants of Ruby Ridge and Waco rang out. This was a mad as hell and not going to take it anymore attitude.
There has been both praise and condemnation perfect woman of the crowd. But to understand it, you had to be there. There was a palpable pent up anger about a long string of corruption out of the Obama White House: perfect woman the IRS scandals; Major Nidal Hassan s jihad called work place violence ; vacuuming up everybody perfect woman s phone records; and more. They felt that the Feds were here to talk down to them, not to answer questions.
The perfect woman Feds came to talk down to them since they are considered rednecks. Those rural white people who are not politically correct are called rednecks. Rednecks are the only under-class who have no protection or advocacy. They are the only group that can be mocked, ridiculed and made the butt of jokes. The worst of the ghetto blacks are forbidden to be called perfect woman the equivalent of redneck, the N word. There is no RN word. Nope, they are rednecks, trailer perfect woman trash, crackers, perfect woman white trash and worse. perfect woman
Another measure of society s hatred of rednecks it this: if the shouters perfect woman in the audience had been black, the media would have said that they were: Speaking truth to power . They would be reported as victims against oppression and fighters perfect woman for social justice. But rednecks are called bigots and ignorant haters.
The leaders in the pulpits of America are professionally ignorant cowards. Ministers and rabbis go to Family of Abraham events with Muslims and tip toe around any criticism. They cr
BREITBART NEWS’ INTERVIEW WITH GEERT WILDERS Wilders talte i Los Angeles søndag den 9. Talen findes endnu kun i at læse: The Resurgence of National Pride and the Future of Europe. Der er endnu et videointerview fra USA: PolitiChicks Exclusive: Geert Wilders Discusses Islamic Terrorism in EU & US
Norske muslimer har ‘et ambivaltnet forhold til retsstaten.’ Dette fremkommer i interviews, når det kommer til praksis er dette forhold en del mere end bare ambivaltent. Det er ikke mnage måneder siden jeg oplevede nogle svenske muslimer i en dansk retssal udvise fuldstændig despekt, og det fik de lov til.
Nye tall tyder på at muslimer har et mer ambivalent forhold til rettsstaten enn befolkningen som helhet. Muslimer vil ha like stor beskyttelse fra rettsstaten som flertallet av befolkningen, men mener samtidig at det skal gjelde særregler for dem, og at lovene ikke skal håndheves like sterkt overfor muslimer som de skal overfor nordmenn flest.
Dette kommer fram i en undersøkelse fra 2009, der resultatene perfect woman ikke tidligere har vært publisert. Muslimer i Norge ser ut til å ha et ambivalent forhold til rettsstaten og sentrale norske rettslige institusjoner sett i forhold til den generelle befolkningen. Er dette oppsiktsvekkende?
Gruppene skiller seg imidlertid ganske markant fra hverandre når det gjelder håndhevelsen av lovene. Her mener muslimgruppen i større grad enn den generelle befolkningen at visse lover enten ikke skal gjelde for dem, eller at de ikke skal håndheves perfect woman like strengt overfor dem. Dette er interessant, perfect woman i den forstand at det viser to ting; så mange som omtrent halvparten av muslimene er villige til å begå sivil ulydighet på religiøst grunnlag, mens kun 16 prosent av den generelle befolkningen mener man må følge sin egen samvittighet.
Først og fremst var muslimene i langt større perfect woman grad enn den generelle befolkningen villige til å begå sivil ulydighet dersom perfect woman deres religiøse leder ga uttrykk for at en lov som Stortinget har vedtatt er umoralsk. Muslimer og rettsstaten
The project, called Tell Mama, claimed that there had been a sustained wave of attacks and intimidation against British Muslims after the killing of Drummer Lee Rigby, with 193 Islamophobic incidents reported to it, rising to 212 by last weekend.
Tell perfect woman Mama and Mr Mughal did not mention, however, that 57 per cent of the 212 reports referred to activity that took place only online, mainly offensive postings perfect woman on Twitter and Facebook, or that a further 16 per cent of the 212 reports had not been verified. Not all the online abuse even originated in Britain. perfect woman
A Defeat for the Muslim Brotherhood, a Model for Winning The Muslim Brotherhood was handed a tactical defeat on June 4, 2013 in Manchester, TN. The FBI and DOJ (Department of Justice) appeared at a meeting called by AMAC (American Muslim Advisory Council — Muslim Brotherhood) in Manchester, TN. It was to include a talk by a US Assistant Attorney General perfect woman and an FBI agent in charge. The meeting was due to a joke posted by a Coffee County Commissioner on Face Book. The DOJ Assistant Attorney perfect woman General Killian said in a newspaper interview perfect woman that the joke might be in the category of a hate crime. perfect woman
When Killian mentioned Eric Holder, the room erupted with thunderous boos. People were angry about the Feds. The FBI agent presented a better face, but he got blow back as well. Chants of Ruby Ridge and Waco rang out. This was a mad as hell and not going to take it anymore attitude.
There has been both praise and condemnation perfect woman of the crowd. But to understand it, you had to be there. There was a palpable pent up anger about a long string of corruption out of the Obama White House: perfect woman the IRS scandals; Major Nidal Hassan s jihad called work place violence ; vacuuming up everybody perfect woman s phone records; and more. They felt that the Feds were here to talk down to them, not to answer questions.
The perfect woman Feds came to talk down to them since they are considered rednecks. Those rural white people who are not politically correct are called rednecks. Rednecks are the only under-class who have no protection or advocacy. They are the only group that can be mocked, ridiculed and made the butt of jokes. The worst of the ghetto blacks are forbidden to be called perfect woman the equivalent of redneck, the N word. There is no RN word. Nope, they are rednecks, trailer perfect woman trash, crackers, perfect woman white trash and worse. perfect woman
Another measure of society s hatred of rednecks it this: if the shouters perfect woman in the audience had been black, the media would have said that they were: Speaking truth to power . They would be reported as victims against oppression and fighters perfect woman for social justice. But rednecks are called bigots and ignorant haters.
The leaders in the pulpits of America are professionally ignorant cowards. Ministers and rabbis go to Family of Abraham events with Muslims and tip toe around any criticism. They cr
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