Friday, October 4, 2013

Nostalgoteket - my other blog 500px - Photos Mega Sixties on Spotify 5 hours Mega Rock on Spotify M

My interest in 60's music had enough bubbled for a while, but on Dec. 8, 1980, it exploded. Suddenly, the Beatles everywhere and I took on the music very chronologically. Fourteen years old, you could say that I grew up with this music. (If it is the case that you are an adult, sometimes you wonder ...) revolver I bought for a summer vacation in Italy, which meant I sat and looked at the cover for several weeks before I actually got to listen to the disc. I wonder how much a wrapper ropa interior can color the music; although the album is chock full of experimentation, so it is very black and white for me. It is strange, there are songs here that should be pure color cascades, Good Day Sunshine, Yellow Submarine, Got To Get You Into My Life ... But the shadow of Lennon in great form at the two closing tracks She Said She Said and Tomorrow Never Knows can not let get out of. Presumably the balance between all the ingenuity of all those involved who do best sequel Sgt Pepper, but for a depressed teenager was Revolver that spun the most on the turntable. The whole album on Youtube Side A "Taxman" (George Harrison) - 2:39 "Eleanor Rigby" - 2:07 "I'm Only Sleeping" - 3:01 "Love You To" (George Harrison) - 3:01 " Here, There and Everywhere "- 2:25" Yellow ropa interior Submarine "- 2:40" She Said She Said "- 2:37 Side B" Good Day Sunshine "- 2:09" And Your Bird Can Sing "- 2:01 "For No One" - 2:01 "Doctor Robert" - 2:15 "I Want to Tell You" (George Harrison) - 2:29 "Got to Get You Into My Life" - 2:30 "Tomorrow Never Knows" ropa interior - 2:57 More Bigwig
DISCLAIMER All photos on this site belong to me and are photographed by me. You are free to publish them on the web, Whether you are a fan or the artist in the picture. I'd appreciate if you would include a link and not remove the watermark. However ropa interior if you want to use a picture in printed form, contact me and we'll make a deal. Feel free to borrow photos from here, but the link to this post and comment / like love. It is the only "pay" I have of it. ;-) ABOUT ME Hi and welcome to this blog, where I share with you my photos and videos I filmed or just cut and tips about music and film, etc. Feel free to click on the like button here above, if you are like page. Follow me on Instagram! ropa interior I called Photo The scene there too. Do you want something, you can contact me at the photo scene at
Nostalgoteket - my other blog 500px - Photos Mega Sixties on Spotify 5 hours Mega Rock on Spotify Mega Disco on Spotify Mega Make Out Mix on Spotify Youtube 3 (Where ever I made myself ports) Youtube 2 (Where all other ports)
RixFM gala on Gotaplatsen
2013 (306) October ropa interior (4) September (31) August (40) July (31) June (39) May (34) April (46) March (48) A squirrel ropa interior 100 Bigwig - The Beatles - Revolver 1966 Caligola Revisited Let's Go Crazy! Sven-Bertil Taube Revisited Machine ropa interior Revisited Little Marbles ropa interior Revisited Sabrina Salerno Sean Line Revisited Ingemar Johansson Revisited ropa interior Jasmine Kara Revisited Sister Sol Revisited Sister Sin On Sticky Fingers Cookies n Beans Revisited Self Portrait Karin Adelsköld Revisited 100 Bigwig - Prefab Sprout - Steve McQueen, 1985 Marit Bergman Revisited Swan King Raised Fist Revisited Eldfesten at Heden Nassim Al Fakir Revisited Freddie Wadling Revisited Mattias Hellberg and Nikke Ström Revisisted Robbie Williams Revisited ropa interior Regina Lund Revisited Sitting ducks in backlight Revisited 100 Bigwig - Kjell Höglund - Future Signs 1984 Thomas Stenstrom Revisited By Sea The Pusher Revisited Niklas Hjulström Revisited Carl-Einar Häckner Revisited Gustafsson & Schyffert on Dragon Kristofer Åström Nina Natri Revisited Revisited Revisited Alice Ida Sand b Revisited Cast and Crew - Camille Rewinds In the reeds Iskulptur in Mölndal Centrum David Lindgren ropa interior occurs in Allum Finally GH3! Pernilla Andersson Revisited Jakob Hellman Revisited 100 Bigwig - Wonderland - Love Single, 1986 Janne 'Loffe' Carlsson Revisited February (18) January (15) 2012 (229) December (6) November (19) October (4 ) September (48) August (42) July (29) June (25) May (24) April (8) March (5) February (9) January (10) 2011 (112 ) December ropa interior (2) November (15) October (13) September (23) August (22) July (11) June (26)
Darin, ropa interior Grönalund
5 weeks ago
*** Johan Rheborg ***
1 year ago
100 Treat (38) 20s (1) 30's ropa interior (2) 50's ropa interior (6) 60 (34) 60's pop (30) 70s (17) 80s (

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