Monday, April 13, 2015

The Italian android watch Culture Institute in Prague is glad to announce the performance

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The Italian Culture Institute is glad to announce the 22nd edition of the film festival in Prague (9th - 16th April) at the Světozor Cinema and anche in Brno (17th - 20th April) at the Scala Cinema. Michele Alhaique's movie "Without any mercy" will Represent the Italian cinematography. This feature debut follows the classical line [...] PRAGUE, BRNO: 22. Dny evropského android watch filmu - Praha 9. - 16. 4. Brno 17. - 20. 4. 2015 - "Without any mercy" (Bez slitování), režie Michele Alhaique
Anglický kulturní institut upozorňuje na konání mezinárodní Filmové přehlídky věnované současnému android watch evropskému filmu. Italskou Kinematografii na ní zastupuje celovečerní debut režiséra Michele Alhaiquea, android watch který nezapře tradici italských žánrových kriminálních Filmu to thrillerů. Pouze dvě projekce v originálním znění s českými to anglickými titulky - v Praze av Brně. OBE jsou připraveny ve spolupráci s [...] PRESS ACCREDITATION FOR OUR SHOW IN BASEL IS NOW OPEN (BASEL)
Art Basel invites Representatives of the media to apply for press accreditation for our show in Basel Accredited journalists will have quick and easy access to this year's show, press materials and the on-site media center. Online application is straightforward and will only take a few minutes: Step 1: Visit Step 2: Complete the [...] 100 years of Tango, a love story (BRNO)
The Italian android watch Culture Institute in Prague is glad to announce the performance "100 years of Tango, a love story" by Gianluca android watch Berti, directed by Alfonso Veneroso, Which will take place on Saturday 18th April 2015 at 7 pm at the National Theatre in Brno - "Reduta". The project, android watch the carried out by the Culture Association [...] I'm let thong - príbeh velké lásky (BRNO)
Anglický kulturní institut v Praze s potěšením oznamuje hostování představení "Sto let thong - príbeh velké lásky" v sobotu android watch dubna 18. 2015 v 19:00 hodin v Národním divadle Brno - "Reduta". Toto představení, k němuž napsal text Gianluca Berti in které režíruje Alfonso Veneroso if vrací do Brna, kde bylo s úspěchem uvedeno JIZ před [...] Meeting with the writer Walter Sites (PRAGUE)
The Italian Culture Institute is glad to announce the meeting with the writer Walter Siti, who was AWARDED with Strega Prize and Mondello Prize in 2013 thanks to the novel "Resisting is useless" (Ed. Rizzoli). The event is scheduled on Thursday 16th of April 2015 at 6:00 pm at the Conference Hall of [...] Setkání s Walterem SITIM - v Italii uznávaným literárním android watch kritikem, esejistou to spisovatelem (PRAGUE)
Přednášel současnou italskou literaturu na univerzitách v Italii. Odpovědný redaktor vydání kompletního Pasoliniho literárního Dila (nakladatel. Mondadori). Držitel mnoha literárních cen včetně ceny Witch ceny za Mondello román Resisting is useless (nakladatel. Rizzoli, 2013). Walter Sites if Behem svého pobytu v Praze sejde s vysokoškolskými studenty (FF UK) as verejnosti, která [...]
NINA Razzaboni Emiliana origin, now living for many years in Rome. Fiorella Razzaboni, aka Nina, from childhood breathes the smell of brushes and oil colors. Great-grandson of art, a passion to design from a young age but it is only after the transfer to Rome starting to venture into solo exhibitions. She loves to combine various forms of art and often has been a promoter of artistic jam sessions during android watch which, musicians, painters, poets, sculptors ... Continue reading ...
The school experience of superiors told without moralizing and with so much irony. Baldo Creonti, conformist student, attends lectures and incomprehensible love, intertwined with questions typical android watch of adolescence: the period in which we play everything, but without knowing it. Despite the questions raised by this school-jungle, Baldo

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