Thursday, January 22, 2015

Impacts of different cultures, ranging from Roman and Byzantine then, it is normal to have had and

No doubt you speak about a topic like this, it should elaborate on two planes in the diachronic and synchronic, to see what actually dressing and What does it. Certainly such a theme has always aroused debate, and even today continues to be discussed by various quarters, but never analyzing it from these two perspectives, namely in terms of its historical and traditional hand clothing, based set of arguments. So first stop Albanian elaborate traditional dress, for we belong to this geographic areal. First, one must understand that the primary function of clothing covering the entire body, whether male or female, and the researchers etsy jewelry agree with this material culture; then one should know that wearing the spatial and time context has always distinguished, when more and when less, with different hove; also to traditional etsy jewelry coating have a few large main compartment, such as men's clothing etsy jewelry and women's clothing, so after sex, then another difference by age, according to certain regions - regions differ from each other; then another partition was that the coating for certain etsy jewelry cases - have the distinction of everyday dress it to come out or it remains as well as a division that was quite apparent, was also coating according faiths or religions. "Note that the Albanian etsy jewelry traditional attire, arguments that looked like if women wearing either men have only the fourteenth century onwards, but also these documents refer dress most upper class" 1.
Also we find the following information to foreign authors who have written, but also from various travel writer who, with their drawings they made, either in Kosovo or Albania or Albanians everywhere from there - what should be noted and t ' was made aware readers, is that Albanian women of any religion that was, was a social rule to cover her body, which included coverage of the head, along with many of the rights that were violated under the Kanun of Leke Dukagjini. So here we must mention a French traveler from Alzasi -Baronin Stacklberg, who visited southern Albania and Greece. He was a draftsman, etsy jewelry who published his work in a special album with prints that stand out among many contemporary works, engravings those made in 1825, where, among other things, it represents a complete garment districts etsy jewelry fshatareje Athens and makes its description, which, in addition GRAVURES color, it is clear that it is entirely covered except hands and face.
Here we will have the opportunity to describe each, but only superficially parts of a garment not including the distinctive elements with other regions or countries Albanian: Garment for women. It based its part had long sleeves until the end of the legs and long sleeves, then përparsen with one or two entered, or pshellakun, as it is called in some regions, a doublet vest, long dollamen etsy jewelry and socks headscarf, which differed on how to relate or its transfer, but that was as an inseparable part of the Albanian traditional dress. Therefore, the Albanian people, according to many documents not by local authors are foreign, etsy jewelry depicting spiritual and material situation, we see that the phenomenon of coverage of women is not a novelty as it is now called, but a part of the culture of this country and other countries etsy jewelry . In addition it should be pointed researchers reconciliation of cultural heritage: "A certain dress whatever, if it finds application in population of a given country for a long time, it already counted both traditional and no foreign influences, the exception in this case are only the material and tools used for her work "2.
Impacts of different cultures, ranging from Roman and Byzantine then, it is normal to have had and have left their tracks including the material, which includes dressing in this case, therefore, with the advent of Islam in these lands, As well as this country's national rescued from assimilation, they brought the light of Islam and therefore the best way to dress, so it Islamic. Initially this outfit called with different terms, such as '' allaturka '' etsy jewelry that the land and the Albanian population was not an elusive thing to carry, mainly because no change in general terms but only with some minor differences, and this had affected the trade relations, which were opened doors Albanians through the world, which resulted in the behavior of different materials, etsy jewelry for both men and women, as well as the behavior of various commodities. Islamic dress in the beginning etsy jewelry there was a widespread in cities, where large reluctantly embraced Islam and so the best way to dress, a

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